Elena Seagalova - a guitarist, composer, multiple winner of All-Russian guitar festivals, official artist of Siggi Braun (Germany), ENGL (Germany), AMT (Russia), HESU (Poland), and Lizard Spit (USA).
She has officially released three instrumental guitar albums, one - as a part of her own band SEAGALL, and two solo albums.
Elena is a regular participant of international music exhibitions in Russia, Europe and America; founder of the international independent guitar music festival GuitarPlayer Party; electric guitar teacher with work experience in Russia and Europe. Elena is a creator of the educational course "Practical Music Psychology", dedicated to the psychological aspects of music pedagogy and practice.

Music Education:
Secondary - State Music College of Pop and Jazz Art, 2001 (electric guitar).
Higher education - Institute of Contemporary Art, 2006 (electric guitar).
Elena started her first band in 1994, even before entering the music college. During her studies she collaborated with Random Band, Юта/Utah.
In 2000, in close consultation with Shamray Guitars and guitar maker Dmitry Sushkov, she developed a unique series of Shamray Seagall guitars, especially designed for musicians with small hands. Subsequently, this instrument was repeatedly presented at various specialized music exhibitions, in particular Music-Moscow (2001-2005) in Moscow and NAMM Musikmesse 2003 in St. Petersburg.
In 2003, she created her own instrumental project, SEAGALL.
From 2005 to 2007 - the guitarist of the Moscow band Znaki. As a part of this band she played on the stage of the largest Russian rock festivals, such as Крылья/Wings, Эммаус/Emmaus, Новая Волна/New Wave (Jurmala), Нашествие/Invasion, and also took part in the recording of the debut album of the band Znaki - Наизнанку/Inside Out.
In 2006, in an alliance with Moscow guitarists Oleg Izotov and Sergey Bokarev, she created the concert guitar project Trinity, in which she took part in joint performances with such artists as Igor Romanov (Алиса/Alice, ex-Земляне/Earthlings), Sergey Terentyev (Артерия/Arteria, ex-Кипелов/Kipelov, ex-Ария/Aria), Dmitry Maloletov, Dmitry Chetvergov, Viktor Smolsky (Rage, Almanac, (Germany)).
From 2006 to 2011 - an exclusive endorser of Schecter Extreme guitars in Russia.
In 2006, she founded the independent guitar music festival GuitarPlayer Party, which lasted until 2018 and still has no parallel in Russia within its format. The unique concept of the GuitarPlayer Party was that young guitarists of any age and music style could take part in the festival along with already well-known, famous musicians. Since 2013, the festival has acquired the international status. On the stage of the GuitarPlayer Party performed such famous guitar artists as Christophe Godin (France) and Mattias IA Eklundh (Sweden). From 2014 to 2018, the festival was held in cooperation with the international music exhibition NAMM Musikmesse Russia.
In 2008, Elena Seagalova's debut album Illusions was released on the leading Russian label CD-Maximum. Since all the music for the album was written by Elena Sigalova, she is, in fact, the first female guitarist in Russia who recorded an album of instrumental guitar rock music.
After the release of the debut album, Elena Seagalova and SEAGALL repeatedly participated in a number of major independent Russian rock festivals: Беломор-Буги/Belomor-Boogie (Arkhangelsk), ROCK-LINE (Perm), Окна Открой/Open Windows (St. Petersburg), Пятое Поколение/Fifth Generation guitar festival (Arkhangelsk - Severodvinsk); as well as the unique festival of instrumental music ROCK-LINE over Vilva 2011, which was attended by the best instrumental groups in Russia.
Since 2005, Elena Seagalova has been a regular participant of the annual international exhibition Music-Moscow (since 2013 - NAMM Musikmesse Russia), since 2011-a demonstrator of various guitar equipment at the world's largest music exhibitions, such as PalmExpo (Beijing, China), Music China (Shanghai, China), NAMM Musikmesse (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), NAMM Show (Anaheim, USA), and Guitar Summit (Mannheim, Germany).
In April 2011, Elena Seagalova and SEAGALL performed on the AGORA Stage - the main stage of the international music exhibition Musikmesse (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) along with artists such as Mattias IA Eklundh, Alex Hutchins, Andy Timmons, Christophe Godin, Paul Reed Smith Band, Devin Townsend, RAGE, and Phil Collins Band.
Since 2012, Elena Seagalova has been an official artist of ENGL (Germany).
Since 2001, Elena Seagalova has been actively teaching. From 2003 to 2012, she worked as an electric guitar teacher at the Institute of Contemporary Art. She is the author of several unique author's techniques. She has repeatedly conducted guitar seminars and master classes in Russia and Europe, in particular at the EUROROCK festival (Duisburg, Germany), as part of the 20th anniversary of Siggi Braun (Goppingen, Germany), as well as at the international Guitar Summit exhibition (Mannheim, Germany).
In 2013, SEAGALL released their second album, Hidden Ego. The album includes eight instrumental compositions, four of which were written by Elena. The album received very good reviews from the music journalists and critics in Russia and Europe.
In the summer of 2013, the German company Siggi Braun Guitars included Elena Seagalova among its official artists. Elena is the only Russian artist of this company.
Since 2014 she has been the official artist of the Polish company HESU, and since 2015 - the Russian company AMT.
In 2016, Elena Seagalova's author's educational course "Practical Music Psychology", dedicated to the psychological aspects of music practice and pedagogy, was launched. As part of this course, Elena regularly conducts lectures and seminars, in particular at the international music exhibition NAMM Musikmesse Russia, streams in social networks, as well as individual consultations.
In 2016, with the assistance of like-minded people, Elena produced and released Sergei Bokarev's memorial album Reflection, and also took part in the recording of one of the tracks. The album was created on the basis of materials from the personal archive of Sergey Bokarev, guided by which it was possible to turn draft and demo tracks into completed compositions. The album Reflection includes all the tracks composed by Sergey during his lifetime.
In 2018, Elena became the only Russian official artist of the American company Lizard Spit
In the spring of 2019, Elena announced the disbandment of her musical group SEAGALL and the upcoming release of a new solo album.
The album, named "Zero Point" by Elena, was released in the fall of the same year, along with several supporting music videos. Artists such as Mattias IA Eklundh (Freak Kitchen, Sweden), Christophe Godin (Mörglbl, France), Jen Majura (Evanescence, Germany), Oleg Izotov (InSammer, Russia), and Yulia Pak (Russia) took part in the recording as special guests. The album "Zero Point" is currently the most successful work of Elena in the instrumental guitar music genre.